Busy Mom Laurie Householder Improves to a 3:13 Marathon and PR's at Every Distance

If you’re like Laurie (you have a big family, a demanding job, and other obligations) learn how we helped her beat decision fatigue and smash all of her goals (so you can too).



Laurie had some success with local 5k and 10k fun runs. But she couldn’t quite transfer this over to the marathon.


Laurie had no idea how to train properly. She just ran hard every single day! Which naturally led to injuries and disappointing race results.  


So far, Laurie has run PR’s at every major distance and a 3:13 marathon. This while staying healthy and enjoying a healthy relationship with her running.

"I didn't want to think about what I needed to do in order to set new PRs and Improve. I just wanted to get out and run. RunersConnect gave me all of that "

The Problems Laurie Faced

Laurie Householder Age: 45 Hometown: Savannah, GA

Decision fatigue  

Laurie didn’t have time to read the research and develop her own training plan so she kind of just ran hard every day and followed generic plans, which didn't help her improve.

No structure

Laurie just ran hard every day which broke down her body and led to injury after injury  

Need for accountability 

Though she would get every run done regardless, Laurie needed someone to keep her honest in her training  

Training in the heat

Laurie trains in the heat of southern Georgia, which means her workouts need adjusting depending on the time of year.

How did RunnersConnect Help?

#1: A structured training plan specific to Laurie’s schedule and needs 

Instead of running all out every day, we devised a plan with structured workouts to give her body the varying stimuli it craves. This included specific paces for workouts (tempos, threshold intervals, etc.), long runs, and even easy runs - which we insisted be kept easy!  

#2: Accountability and decision making  

As Laurie’s coaches, we did our job - coaching! Rather than force her to make dozens of small decisions every day, we did the heavy lifting and made sure she knew EXACTLY what she needed to do every single day. That means exact paces for intervals, detailed instructions for strength exercises and cross-training, and insistence upon much-needed rest.  

Then we gave her feedback on each workout so she knows when she’s doing it right and when her training needs a bit of tinkering.  

#3: On-the-go adjustments for weather, family obligations, and other life events.

Any time something came up, Laurie simply posted a note to the coaches. We then made adjustments to maximize the training benefit and give her the time off she needed.  

In addition, whenever the summer heat in Georgia became too much, Laurie could easily adjust her paces with our Temperature Adjustment tool, ensuring her effort doesn’t exceed the intent of the workout.  

What Were the Results?

Within her first year with RC, Laurie lifted her running to another level. This culminated in PR’s at 5k, 10k, half-marathon, and a huge 3:13 PR full marathon in Savannah, GA!  

Now she’s happy, healthy, and training for even bigger goals down the road.  

Listen to Laurie Get In-Depth About Her Training and Results

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